Generating Crosswords via SAT/SMT

Recently I got interested in designing personalised crosswords as a way to spice up photo book presents. This made me realise how hard generating high-quality crosswords actually is. Trying to create a crossword from a set of words – or a subset thereof – I checked out several tools but found all of them to be based on heuristics and yield rather sparse crosswords.

In line with the general theme of my previous posts, this one illustrates how we can leverage SAT solving to solve this problem. In contrast to related approaches, which assume a fixed grid structure and search for fitting words, we consider word placement as part of the problem and eventually end up with an integrated solution to generating crosswords of adjustable quality.

The Problem Statement

When designing a crossword puzzle on a specific theme or topic, one will likely start with a set of words (and clever clues) that fit the setting and a rough idea of the crossword’s dimensions. For example, when designing a crossword for a magazine, the page size will probably limit the crossword’s width to less than 20 cells to keep the characters legible.

For the sake of exposition, assume that we want to design a square crossword of size 12 on (mostly retro) games that my friends and family have fond memories of. I came up with the following list of games, most of which are classics to us:


Clearly, we can’t put all of them in a 12x12 grid. Not only do they amount to more than 144 characters but there are also certain rules regarding allowed word placement in a crossword. That is,

  1. the words must be placed horizontally or vertically within the crossword grid,
  2. the words may not be placed within each other,
  3. each word may only be placed once,
  4. every horizontal and vertical contiguous sequence of characters in the grid must correspond to a word placement,
  5. the placed words must form a single connected component.

Overall, the problem of crossword generation amounts to selecting the subset of words that allows for a placement which is compliant with the rules but also achieves some level of quality. While quality may be subjective, the following is an optimal placement for the quality metric I chose:

An optimal word placement

To really appreciate the result, try to come up with a subset and placement of words that looks better to you or at least contains a similar number of words. For reference, you can also give existing tools a try.

Overview of SAT-based Problem Solving

Given a Boolean formula, a SAT solver determines whether a variable assignment exists which makes the formula evaluate to $\mathit{true}$. To leverage this functionality for problem solving the problem must be characterised in terms of a Boolean formula, such that a solution to the formula can be interpreted as a solution for the original problem. This process is also reflected in the structure of our main function:

def generateCrossword(words, size, minQuality):
    # Input validation
    words = list(set(words))
    assert minQuality >= 0
    assert size > 0, f'Grid size ({size}) too small'
    assert size >= max(len(w) for w in words), \
        f'"{max(words, key=len)}" has more than size={size} characters'

    # Encode valid word placements (over some set of placement variables)
    constraints, placement_vars = encodeProblem(words, size, minQuality)

    # Dump CNF (for experimenting with SAT solvers)
    exportCNF('crossword.cnf', constraints)

    # Solve SMT instance & pretty-print result (if one exists)
    model = solve(constraints)
    if model:
        placement = interpret(model, placement_vars)
        printPlacement(placement, size)
        print("Constraints unsatisfiable")

Given a set of words, a sensible crossword size, and a minimal value for the required quality, encodeProblem shall return the Boolean constraints that – in conjunction – characterise word placements which meet these criteria. Furthermore, we need to know which variables in these formulas represent which placement. This is the information that will be stored in placement_vars (cf. line 35). It will be used to interpret the satisfying assignment, or model, if one exists (cf. line 43).

Don’t be surprised that we use the Python bindings of the SMT solver Z3, although the claim was that we will use SAT solving machinery. Since the resulting constraints are expressed over finite domains – as both the crossword grid and the words are finite – they can easily be translated to SAT instances. Furthermore, it is often advantageous to use dedicated SAT solvers for such instances, so – besides solving the SMT instance with Z3 in line 41 – we also export the problem in the standard format for SAT solvers in line 38.

Encoding the Problem

Before looking into how the constraints mentioned in the problem statement can be expressed as propositional SAT, let’s start by compiling the set of variables and constants that we will clearly need for the characterisation of our problem.

When talking about word placement, what we typically have in mind are a word’s start coordinates and its orientation. For example, in the generated crossword shown above, the phrase MYST starts at $(x,y)=(0,0)$ and is oriented vertically. Since there is only a finite number of possible placements, a simple way of encoding the placement of a word $w$ in terms of Boolean variables is by means of a variable $$ w_{x,y,o} $$ for each position $(x,y)$ within the grid and orientation $o\in\{\mathit{horizontal},\mathit{vertical}\}$. We will use these placement variables in such a way that $w_{x,y,o}$ being assigned $\mathit{true}$ in the SAT solver’s solution will indicate that $w$ should be placed at $(x,y)$ in orientation $o$.

In addition to the placement, we also need a way to characterise the subset of words that is actually used in the solution. Only the placement of those selected words will be constrained and make sense. Since the choice whether a word shall be part of the crossword is Boolean, it suffices to introduce a variable $$ w_\mathit{selected} $$ for each word $w$.

The first lines of encodeProblem do just that:

def encodeProblem(words, size, minQuality):
    # Variables encoding the placement of each word, i.e. setting
    # `placement_vars['doom'][0][3][1]` to `True` denotes
    # 'doom' being placed vertically at (x=3, y=0)
    placement_vars = {word: [[[Bool(f'{word}_{x},{y}_{orientation}')
                               for orientation in ['horizontal', 'vertical']]
                              for x in range(size)]
                             for y in range(size)]
                      for word in words}

    # Variables encoding the subset of words actually put on the grid
    word_selection = {word: Bool(f'{word}_selected') for word in words}

We now have variables to symbolise the placement of a word and whether it is part of the crossword. What we still need is a characterisation of the grid, i.e. which character is placed in which grid cell, so we can relate a word’s placement with the state of the grid.

Before we can relate words and characters in grid cells, we have to characterise characters logically as well. Instead of supporting a fixed set of characters, e.g. lowercase alphanumeric characters, and denoting each by a corresponding logical symbol, it suffices to only create a constant $c$ for each distinct character c in our set of words. Note that, to denote empty grid cells, we also introduce a special empty character:

# Constants representing the words' characters (and "no character")
chars = list(set("".join(words)))
char_sort, char_constants = EnumSort('Chars', chars + ['empty'])
char_empty = char_constants[-1]
chars_enc = {c: sym for c, sym in zip(chars, char_constants)}

char_sort is the finite domain of all characters that occur in our words (plus the empty one). Here, it is fine to use a finite domain instead of Booleans since we will not interpret the grid’s characters but derive everything from the placement of words. We essentially do not care if the automated translation to SAT makes this information harder to extract.

With char_sort at hand, we can represent the characters in the grid as an array of such char_sort variables:

# Variables encoding the character in each grid cell
grid = [[Const(f'grid_{x}_{y}', char_sort) for x in range(size)]
        for y in range(size)]

Word Placement

With the variable creation out of the way, let’s see how we can express the first few rules from the problem statement as constraints over these variables.

Depending on how and whether a word is placed, other characters must appear in the corresponding grid cells. So to encode rule (1), we can iterate over each word and placement within the grid bounds, and assert that the characters match. For example, to cover the placement of MYST in the introductory crossword, we need the following constraint:

$$ \begin{aligned} \mathit{MYST}_{0,0,\mathit{vertical}} \rightarrow &~ grid_{0,0}=M\\ \wedge &~ grid_{0,1}=Y\\ \wedge &~ grid_{0,2}=S\\ \wedge &~ grid_{0,3}=T \end{aligned} $$

Lines 91 to 94 take care of creating such constraints for horizontal placement, but the vertical placement can be handled analogously:

# `possible_placements[y][x][0]` will contain the placement variables
# of all words what can be placed horizontally at coord (x,y)
possible_placements = [[[[]
                         for orientation in ['horizontal', 'vertical']]
                        for x in range(size)]
                       for y in range(size)]

# Word placement determines characters on grid
res = []
for word in words:
    word_placement_vars = []
    for x, y in product(range(size), repeat=2):
        # Fits horizontally
        if x + len(word) <= size:
            # Keep track that this is a possible placement

            # Effect (of this placement) on grid
            word_symbols = grid[y][x:x + len(word)]
            match_expr = And([chars_enc[c] == sym for c, sym in zip(word, word_symbols)])
            res.append(Implies(placement_vars[word][y][x][0], match_expr))

Note that the utility of possible_placements and word_placement_vars may not be obvious yet, but tracking all words' possible placements in a cell and all possible placement of a word will come in handy later.

Besides relating the placement and grid variables, we also have to ensure that words are not placed within each other (cf. rule (2)). This can be achieved by requiring the characters before and after each placed word to be empty (or out of grid bounds). In the case of our running example, this amounts to $$ \begin{aligned} \mathit{MYST}_{0,0,\mathit{vertical}} \rightarrow &~ \cancel{grid_{0,-1}=\mathit{empty}}\\ \wedge &~ grid_{0,4}=\mathit{empty} \end{aligned} $$ where the coordinates $(0,-1)$ lie outside the grid.

The corresponding constraints can be created right after the previous ones:

# Word must be bounded by spaces (or grid borders)
bounding_chars = []
if x - 1 >= 0:
    bounding_chars.append(grid[y][x - 1])
if x + len(word) < size:
    bounding_chars.append(grid[y][x + len(word)])
bounded_by_spaces = And([sym == char_empty for sym in bounding_chars])
res.append(Implies(placement_vars[word][y][x][0], bounded_by_spaces))

Now, each word’s possible placement has been characterised and related to the grid’s characters. However, there is nothing stopping the SAT solver from picking two placements for the same word and violating rule (3). To account for this, we require at most one variable $w_{x,y,o}$ to be $\mathit{true}$ for each word $w$, while at least one of them should be if the word is selected for inclusion in the crossword, i.e. if $w_\mathit{selected}$ is $\mathit{true}$.

Considering our example word MYST, we have to add $$ \begin{aligned} &~ \mathit{MYST}_{0,0,\mathit{horizontal}}\\ + &~ \dots\\ + &~ \mathit{MYST}_{8,11,\mathit{horizontal}}\\ + &~ \mathit{MYST}_{0,0,\mathit{vertical}}\\ + &~ \dots \\ + &~ \mathit{MYST}_{11,8,\mathit{vertical}}\\ \leq &~ 1 \end{aligned} $$ and $$ \begin{aligned} \mathit{MYST}_\mathit{selected} \rightarrow &~ \mathit{MYST}_{0,0,\mathit{horizontal}}\\ \vee &~ \dots\\ \vee &~ \mathit{MYST}_{11,8,\mathit{vertical}} \end{aligned} $$

The following lines take care of creating such constraints for each word:

# If the word is selected, exactly one placement must be used
res.append(AtMost(*word_placement_vars, 1))
res.append(Implies(word_selection[word], Or(word_placement_vars)))

Only Sequences of Words

If we were to use a SAT solver on the constraints accumulated so far, we may find that some grid cell variables are assigned seemingly random characters which do not even form a word. This is to be expected, as there is no constraint to enforce that all character sequences must correspond to a word placement yet (cf. rule (4)).

A simple way to achieve this, is to require the start coordinates of each sequence to correspond to the coordinates of a word placement. The following lines handle horizontal character sequences but vertical ones can be treated analogously:

# Every non-empty sequence (of length > 1) must match a word
for x, y in product(range(size), repeat=2):
    # Start of horizontal sequence
    if x + 1 < size:
        seq_start = And(grid[y][x - 1] == char_empty if x - 1 >= 0 else True,
                        grid[y][x] != char_empty,
                        grid[y][x + 1] != char_empty)
        res.append(seq_start == Or(possible_placements[y][x][0]))


The last and most complex requirement is rule (5), which demands the placed words to form a single crossword rather than several disjoint ones. That is, understanding the placed words as vertices of an undirected graph, which are connected if the words intersect, should result in a graph with only one connected component.

The following figure illustrates the graph corresponding to our introductory example:

Understanding words as vertices

For a fixed graph, computing the components can be done in linear time, and the connectedness is also easy to see in the above figure. However, in our application, the graph is not fixed but parametrised by the solutions to the other constraints. Therefore, we have to come up with a formula that characterises the connectedness of any word placement, i.e. it should be satisfiable if the encoded word placement forms a single component.

Since neither the subset of words that will be placed nor the intersections of these words are known beforehand, a Boolean encoding of the word intersection relation will have to introduce variables $\mathit{connected}_{w_1,w_2}$ for each pair of words $w_1, w_2$. Even when avoiding symmetrical entries, the number of such variables will grow polynomially in the number of words that can potentially be placed. This is problematic since even our example crossword of size 12 already features 51 words to choose from.

Alternatively, by understanding the grid cells as vertices of a graph where the edges connect neighbouring (non-empty) cells, we can get around this problem:

Understanding cells as vertices

Here, the edge relation grows linearly in the number of cells as every cell can at most be connected to four others. The size of our word set has no impact.

From this perspective, the connectedness check amounts to proving that we can reach every placed character from every other placed character by some path over neighbouring (non-empty) cells. In fact, it already suffices to show that there is one cell that can be reached from all others.

To approach the connectedness check in the suggested way, we first have to characterise a non-empty cell for which we will try to prove reachability from all others. Since it is unknown where words will be placed, let’s just pick the uppermost-leftmost non-empty cell as the start cell of the connected component. We introduce the variables $$ \mathit{ccStart}_y,\mathit{ccStart}_{x,y} $$ for all coordinates $(x,y)$ within the grid bounds, to identify the row and exact coordinates of the start cell.

Clearly, $\mathit{ccStart}_y$ must be $\mathit{true}$ for the first row that is not empty, i.e. $$ \begin{aligned} \mathit{ccStart}_y =&~ \bigvee_{0\leq x < \mathit{size}} \mathit{grid}_{x,y} \neq \mathit{empty}\\ \wedge&~ \bigwedge_{0\leq i < y} \neg \mathit{ccStart}_i \end{aligned} $$ and $\mathit{ccStart}_{x,y}$ must be $\mathit{true}$ for the first non-empty cell in that row, i.e. $$ \begin{aligned} \mathit{ccStart}_{x,y} =&~ \mathit{ccStart}_y\\ \wedge&~ \mathit{grid}_{x,y} \neq \mathit{empty}\\ \wedge&~ \bigwedge_{0\leq i < x} \neg \mathit{ccStart}_{i,y} \end{aligned} $$

Lines 151 to 161 take care of creating such constraints:

# Require grid symbols to form a single connected component (CC)
ccStartRow = [Bool(f'ccStart_{y}') for y in range(size)]
ccStart = [[Bool(f'ccStart_{x},{y}') for x in range(size)]
           for y in range(size)]
inCc = [[[Bool(f'reach{i}_{x},{y}') for i in range(maxDistance(size) + 1)]
         for x in range(size)] for y in range(size)]
for y in range(size):
    # CC starts in row y
    notInPrevRows = And([Not(ccStartRow[i]) for i in range(y)])
    inCurRow = Or([grid[y][x] != char_empty for x in range(size)])
    res.append(And(inCurRow, notInPrevRows) == ccStartRow[y])

    for x in range(size):
        # CC starts at x,y
        notInPrevPos = And([Not(ccStart[y][i]) for i in range(x)])
        inCurPos = grid[y][x] != char_empty
        res.append(And(ccStartRow[y], inCurPos, notInPrevPos) == ccStart[y][x])

        # Only CC start position reaches itself in 0 steps
        res.append(ccStart[y][x] == inCc[y][x][0])

        # Symbol at x,y reaches CC start in `i` steps if
        # - it already reaches it in `i-1` steps, or
        # - neighbour symbol reaches it in `i-1` steps
        for i in range(1, maxDistance(size) + 1):
            reasons = [inCc[y][x][i - 1]]
            if x - 1 >= 0: reasons.append(inCc[y][x - 1][i - 1])
            if x + 1 < size: reasons.append(inCc[y][x + 1][i - 1])
            if y - 1 >= 0: reasons.append(inCc[y - 1][x][i - 1])
            if y + 1 < size: reasons.append(inCc[y + 1][x][i - 1])
                               And(grid[y][x] != char_empty, Or(reasons))))

        # All non-empty grid entries must reach the CC start
        res.append(Implies(grid[y][x] != char_empty, inCc[y][x][maxDistance(size)]))

It only remains to assert that all the other non-empty cells in the grid can reach the start cell. Considering that the grid is square and its size is finite, all other non-empty cells must be reachable within $\mathit{size}^2$ steps.

To identify states that can reach the start of the connected component within $n$ steps (or less), we introduce the variables $$ \mathit{reach}_{i,x,y} $$ for each position $(x,y)$ and maximal distance $i\in[0,\mathit{maxDistance(size)}]$ to the start. Of course only the start cell can reach itself in zero steps, so we assert $$ \mathit{reach}_{0,x,y} = \mathit{ccStart}_{x,y} $$ for all coordinates $(x,y)$ in the grid (cf. line 164).

Furthermore, we know that a cell can reach the start in $i$ steps only if an adjacent cell can do so in $i-1$ steps, i.e. $$ \begin{aligned} \mathit{reach}_{i,x,y} \rightarrow &~ \mathit{grid}_{x,y}\neq \mathit{empty}\\ \wedge &~ (\mathit{reach}_{i-1,x,y}\vee\bigvee_{(nx,ny)} \mathit{reach}_{i-1,nx,ny}) \end{aligned} $$ where $(nx,ny)$ are neighbours of $(x,y)$. This is what the rest of the above listing takes care of, ultimately requiring in line 179 that all non-empty cells must reach the start cell within the maxDistance – otherwise we’d have more than one connected component.


At this point we’ve constructed all constraints that are needed to generate valid crosswords. However, solving the constraints at this point will yield rather sobering results as even an empty crossword is a valid crossword – we do not require anything but compliance with the rules yet. It’s time to introduce a quality criterion.

Quality is subjective, but I guess everyone agrees that a sparse crossword is worse than a tightly packed one. Therefore, it may be reasonable to measure quality in terms of the number of words or characters put in the grid. The problem I see with both approaches is that they do not reward crossing words, so I’ve settled for the sum of the placed words' lengths:

$$ \sum_{w\in\mathit{words}} w_\mathit{selected}*\mathit{length}(w) $$

This effectively values every character in the grid as 1 but also counts each crossing as another 1. With this metric, the introductory crossword achieves a quality of 104.

By requiring this sum to be greater or equal to a provided minQuality, we can force the SAT solver to only produce crosswords that meet our expectations:

# Require the solution to satisfy some quality criterion
# Here: Quality corresponds to the sum of the selected words' lengths
res.append(PbGe([(var, len(w)) for w, var in word_selection.items()], minQuality))

That’s all there is to it conceptually. The rest of the code is just generic plumbing to feed the constraints res into Z3 and interpret the returned assignment of Boolean values to our variables.

CNF Export

Although Z3 is feature-rich and state of the art, it nevertheless pays off to use a competitive SAT solver instead for our particular use-case. I recommend sticking to SMT solving during development and switching to SAT solving for the more complex instances. Z3 provides tactics to reduce the finite-domain SMT constraints to a SAT instance in CNF, which can then be exported in the standard format for SAT solvers:

def exportCNF(filepath, assertions):
    goal = Goal()

    p = ParamsRef()
    p.set('pb.solver', 'binary_merge')  # use any setting but 'solver'
    to_cnf = WithParams(Then('simplify', 'dt2bv', 'card2bv', 'bit-blast', 'tseitin-cnf'), p)
    subgoals = to_cnf(goal)
    assert len(subgoals) == 1, "Tactic should have resulted in a single goal"
    assert not subgoals[0].inconsistent(), "Found to be UNSAT during pre-processing"
    with open(filepath, 'w') as f:
        f.write(subgoals[0].dimacs() + '\n')


Now that we got the crossword generation pipeline up an running it is interesting to see how long it takes to assemble the words from our example into crosswords of size 12 with varying quality requirements. Following the proposed approach, I generated crosswords of increasing quality and measured the time needed to solve the SAT instances with various solvers. Since not all steps of the SAT encoding and solving are fully deterministic, some repetitions are necessary to get a better overview of the solvers' average performance. As implied in the previous section Z3 didn’t perform too well on these instances and was therefore excluded from the evaluation.

Solving time for varying SAT solvers and qualities [given 51 words]

As to be expected, the higher the quality requirements are the longer it takes to solve the corresponding SAT instance. It is easy to see that computing an optimal word placement may be unfeasible in practice: the time investment ramps up significantly as we approach unsatisfiable quality requirements. However, even the instances of quality 95 do already look pretty good and are solved by plingeling within 336s on average:

A crossword of quality 95

Feel free to process the measurements on your own if you’re interested in specific figures.

If this seems slow to you, keep in mind that you can speed up the generation process by providing more words to choose from. For example, by adding the following words to our word set, the average time to generate a crossword of quality 95 via plingeling reduces from 336s to just 45s.

Solving time for varying SAT solvers and qualities [given 73 words]

For higher quality requirements, additional words may improve the runtime by more than an order-of-magnitude (cf. times for quality 100). However, when designing a custom crossword, it may be tricky to come up with a large set of words (and witty clues).

Do Try This at Home!

The presented solution works well for my use case but obviously leaves room for further improvements. Instead of building infrastructure around the crossword generation, e.g. turning it into rich client application or a service, I’d rather point out some conceptual alleys worth exploring:

  • What about non-square or hexagonal grids? Adapting the encoding to other grids should be pretty easy to do.
  • Experiment with other metrics of quality. For example, the number of word crossings could make for an interesting metric.
  • Instead of requiring a fixed minimal quality, iteratively increase the required quality until the resulting SAT instance becomes unsatisfiable. This will leave you with a sequence of crosswords of increasing quality and allow you to stop at any time or wait for the optimal placement to be determined.
  • As a follow-up to the previous point, refactor your solution to leverage incremental SMT or incremental SAT solving, such that the solver does not have to start from scratch when the quality requirements increase.
  • By transposing a crossword we get another valid crossword. This symmetry increases the search space unnecessarily. Can you come up with symmetry-breaking constraints to avoid wasting time on symmetrical word placements?
  • Instead of selecting the best subset of words for a fixed grid size, one might potentially want to place all the provided words as compact as possible. Adapt the encoding to optimise for the smallest grid size.
  • I used a SAT/SMT backend to solve the crossword generation since this is what I’m most comfortable with. However, I wonder whether discrete optimisation algorithms would work even better here. Analogous to SMT-LIB in the satisfiability community, there is MiniZinc to express discrete optimisation problems in a solver-independent way. You could give it a try.
  • While I was waiting for my experiments to complete, I stumbled upon a well-conceived introductory course on programming which uses the example of crossword generation to introduce common concepts. It is targeted at beginners, but I still watched the parts released so far since it was interesting to see the problem from a different perspective. Take a look – it uses tricks which you would also find in a finite-domain solver.

As usual, there are tons of alternatives to encode various aspects of the problem but it is unclear whether they pay off. In any case, let me know if you find a better way to generate personalised crosswords that meet configurable quality criteria.